This is the Internet, and if you own a cat, it's a law in 41 states that you have to post a picture. [citation needed] So,I have this beautiful feline that has the oddest, most beautiful coat I've ever seen. Introducing Sashi:
Here kittykitty. Don't be shy. |
I decided to take a photo shoot of her. My photography equipment being a string and a Cannon Elph.
Sashi, we have company. Go wash your face. |
She's a rescue. They had trouble placing her because she couldn't get along with other cats. Having seen how other cats react to her, I get the idea that she must look ugly to them. But I think she's a beautiful creature, and I think most people will agree. She has that bright, white main and dirty face.
It's not that easy being beige. So how about orange, black and pink, too? |
She's as sweet as she looks. She's very friendly, loves children, but tends to be skittish, too. Very small for a five-year old cat, relatives she was kitten or a tweenie, but no, she was rescued nursing a litter and pregnant with another one. The poor thing then had to endure a year in a cage. But I think she's happy now.
Despite her solemn look |
I do wonder what cross breeding led to this mix. As far as I can tell, her markings are most like a Russian. But she's too tiny for that breed. The tabby and calico markings are obvious. For the most part, her genetics look baffling.
What? Never seen one wearing half black and half pink lipstick before? |
Anyway, not that I expected any just yet, but the blog hasn't gotten much attention, so I thought I'd try cat porn. I'm lucky to have such a great subject.
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