Sunday, March 24, 2013

At least there's writing.

It's been a bad day, but at least I wrote a lot. I know it sounds self-indulgent when I say I'm really entertained writing my characters (and since it's fanfiction, writing for other writers' characters, too.)

Most of the characters are female teenagers. Unlike some fan fiction, I don't sexualize them. Not that I have anything against sex in movies or books. Sex is important to human lives, and it has it's place in story-telling. I won't avoid the characters' sex lives, but I don't divert the story or the character for titillation and sexual thrills, mine or the readers. I'll definitely do it differently if I write erotica, but this is a horror story, and the characters are too terrified and preoccupied with surviving to think about sex.

You might get the wrong idea if I now tell you that the main character is seventeen-years-old psychiatric patient, four foot ten inches tall, with a dainty build except for disproportionally large breasts. My reason for doing that is to have someone who's physically the opposite of an action hero type, but who's forced into the role anyway.

It does take place in a psychiatric hospital. Unlike, say, the movie Sucker Punch, the female characters don't dress sexy at all. No, the don't do their hair, don't wear makeup, and they wear old jeans and flannel shirts. As the plot goes on, they get dirtier, more ragged, they're sleep deprived, their faces get bruised, get blood in their hair, and under horrendous conditions, they occasionally do remarkable and heroic things. The heroine is in over her head from the very beginning, everybody is.

It's time I go to sleep. Tomorrow I'm walking to the clinic first thing I'll see if I can get the prescription filled. If I get a dose in the morning, maybe I'll be fit again by the afternoon.

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