Friday, July 11, 2014

Community home goes wrong

Things were going so well for a week. My brother was getting care, and I was carefree. I think the rest of my family were relieved, too.

Then on Tuesday, I hear my brother Joe had something wrong with his foot. My brother can't speak, remember. He was limping. As always, he couldn't tell anybody what was wrong. On Wednesday, it turned out it wasn't his foot, nor was it a light injury. He had a fractured knee. The surgeon reconstructed it with a couple pins and a plate and he said there was no way my brother could have walked with this injury. So, it couldn't have gone down the way the community home's staff say it did. It looks like was caused by a fall against something ridged, like a threshold between rooms. There's no evidence of assault.

Negligence is another matter.

Why was he so poorly supervised? How could have fallen without anybody seeing/hearing it? Why was he not checked thoroughly when the staff realized he had an injury? How could they mistake a knee for a foot injury? Why did they give story that doesn't match the medical evidence?  Why didn't they call an ambulance?

It didn't take long for that arrangement to go terribly wrong. One week. I'll admit I'm shocked. I thought if this wasn't working out we'd get warning signs instead of jumping immediately to grave injury.

If there's something not-so-bad about this, it's that all my family members should be on the same page regarding his care now. The side that pushed facility care has been proved spectacularly wrong. He will be cared for at home once he recovers, and everyone should be working together to get the funding for in-home care.

However, I'm apprehensive about his recovery. He has to be immobilized for six weeks. In a nursing home. Infected bed sores, superbugs, and pneumonia are all a threat now.

If he gets through this, I'm certain he will get the best care.

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