Friday, March 2, 2012


It sounds like Rush Limbaugh has finally gone too far. You could see it coming. Every month he'd say something cruel, hateful or racist, usually all three. As always, though, he would make it just ambiguous enough to where ditto heads knew what he meant while still giving it just enough of a cover meaning to protect him. As that kept happening, I could tell he probably didn't say them spontaneously, that he actually must have wrote them out and memorized them beforehand. Each time his audience thought he was saying the bold, brave thing, and could feel secure that the racism, sexism, or any form of hatred they felt was not really hate, but something reasonable.

It had to be tiresome for Limbaugh, shown by his recent ranting. It's his worst attack, and he sounds like he's totally come unglued. Demanding porn from a woman giving testimony about contraception? Does Rush realize how many people in the US use contraception, men and women? And how many of them are, otherwise, conservative?

In fact, there's a growing number. Teen pregnancies have fallen for a reason. Teenagers are finally getting the message. Hey, Rush, we don't have to pay for welfare or medicine for so many women and children who start out impoverished. He's pretty much outraged all those girls, who will enter their adult life knowing what a pig Limbaugh is. That's only one demographic of females he's angered.

So, he'll lose at least the twenty percent of his audience. (There can't' be too many women who still listen to him, and ones still remaining can't be very bright. Even they would recoil at this.) There's no cover with this one. Rush can't claim complain he was just telling a revolting joke, one where the whole humor is you can't believe even the biggest douche bag on earth would tell it.  

I recall his mockery of Michael J. Fox. It was during an election, and he probably booted away three Senate seats doing that. I remember his contemptible singing of "Ain't Got No Home" when a homeless advocate committed suicide, or as Limbaugh would say, "assumed room temperature."

I thought his racism would bring him down, not his sexism. Frankly, I don't know how he lasted this long.

And if he had, on the air, told a woman to suck is dick in 2003 and then said he was joking, he would have probably made it. But now things are changing. There's a general, conservative meltdown happening all over. Scandals every day, mishandled primaries where Repubs show they can't count votes. Gaffes by candidates, onerous anti-choice legislation getting shelved, Planned Parenthood being attacked and winning, Global Warming being confirmed in a study funded by the Koch Brothers of all people . . . Conservatives lose a lot of credibility with that one.

If things keep up like this for the rest of the year, Conservatism might not make it to 2013. In will become as fringie as the John Birch society that helped spawn it.

Even if I might be wrong about that, Rush will get his early retirement, and he'll live never taking responsibility for the damage he's done.

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