Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New direction; a picture of me.

I know I haven't written here in the longest time. I couldn't decide which direction to take the blog, and I was busy writing fiction. I've been avoiding huge subjects in my life, such as family, but I'll do that no longer. You really can't understand me without understanding my family, and my family is tragic and difficult to comprehend.

I have a long entry coming on the subject, soon. I'm writing it up carefully. I've decided that what I'll do here is this: I promise I'll have an entry every day, though they may frequently be short. Intermittently, a long, carefully written  entry will go up on a subject that's really on my mind.

Anyway, I've been writing fiction a lot. I'm working on the last chapter of the Ginger Snaps "slipstream" fan fiction. I've written many other things, though, poetry and short stories which I'm submitting. I've changed gears and I'm now on a schedule for submitting them.

Meanwhile, something else has happened. A second psychiatrist concurred that I have Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. He put me back on medication at higher dose than I've ever been on. The difference in my daily life has been huge.

One change I will make now, I'm finally putting up a picture of myself. Not an easy thing for me to do. I am camera shy. I have a deadline on Sunday to get a short story ready and send it out.

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