Sunday, August 12, 2012

Born Again Cheap

I'm probably going to change the name of this blog soon, now that I'm reviving it and taking it in a different direction. The question of course is, to what? The Wentshow handle I chose was never meant to be posted under. I just wanted to get an account opened on Youtube fast and didn't have anything ready. It's almost the same with Madman Fred, but I actually like that one a little more. Still . . .

I met my deadline to get the flash fiction "Last One Down" polished. So, every night this week I'm submitting it. BTW, the site (I'll fill in the link later) is just excellent for finding outlets. It's much better than Writers' Market and free, though it asks you for a monthly donation.

Speaking of donations, it's a hard thing when you're poor to turn down so many people and causes that need money. My parents taught me to be generous and careless with my money. I was generous to a fault, in fact, generous to a default. So, I ended up bankrupt. What can I say? My mother also spent my father into the hole. My sister declared bankruptcy. So, it goes in the family, unfortunately.

Not anymore for me. I've learned to be frugal. Whenever I eat or drink anything, it's in the back of my mind how much it costs me. I look for bargains. I buy in bulk. I cut expenses everywhere I can. Life as a writer means living on a shoe-string and using it for both food and clothes.

Fact is, though, I so far haven't cut enough. It's very hard to make ends meet on a disability income. I'm determined to do it. However, I'm aware that due to the drought, prices are going to jump next year.

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