It's disconcerting to hear employers threaten their employees with layoffs if Obama wins, here, here and here. After years of telling us how terrible and unnecessary class warfare is, that now the wealthy have discovered their love for it.
I wondered why I was hearing about employers doing this for the first time in my life, and believed it was because they hated Obama that much. However, second link from LGF explained it: Citizens' United has made employers campaigning among their employees legal for the first time in my life.
This relentless propaganda program against Obama these last four years has been stunning. The guy is not even left of Bill Clinton, who was not nearly as left as Jimmy Carter, who was already to the right of Lyndon Johnson. Yet, they've compared Obama to Hitler, something the GOP never did to Franklin Roosevelt, perhaps because if they did that then, they've be laughed out of the newspapers.
I'm no so pro-Obama except when you put Romney next to him, or Gingrich, or Bachmann, or Cain, or McCain, or any of the other Republican candidates fielded this year. However, I can see the guy is moderate and all this calumny toward Obama was unfounded. He hasn't been perfect. But he's not a dictator, and he's definitely not the worst president.
There's only one reason I can find for the propaganda campaign: Republicans thought they could get something better, and if they didn't get their guy into the White House next month, their chances would never again be so good.
I mean, just what have Repubs been doing to win this next election? They've been gerrymandering like crazy, they got Citizens United passed, they've been knocking people off the voting rolls, they've been requiring voter ID, and just in case all that fails, they have voting machines that could be hacked at will by their election officials who control the operation in Ohio and other states. And it still looks like they might lose the election. Demographics are working against Repubs. As good as it's going to get for them would either be the 2010 election or next month's election. If they can win this election, it will be their last chance to establish their agenda and entrench it before.
With this shift taking place, businesses probably do not want to be intimidating and threatening their employees, because it's impossible to tell how much of it is business related and how much is pure vindictiveness, and if I were them, I wouldn't want that to be unclear as demographics turned against me.
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