I've been neglecting this blog. I've been in the obsession stage of
writing my hybrid fan fiction novel, The Feral Bond, where I have a hard time justifying any writing time
that doesn't go into the book. Estimating 12-18 more work days. This one
I might just be over-estimated for once. It's progressing, which is why
I'm posting here today.
My underestimating the time a project will take has become a joke. It's not like I've been slacking off or I've been distracted or creatively blocked. Just getting the words down on the page correctly has taken this long. I did have to rewrite the first few scenes, but I was done with that weeks ago.
I thought I would have this thing complete by the end of summer. At the time, I thought it was just twelve pages. Well, it quickly expanded to over forty and one chapter twinned into two. I'm putting them both up together to complete the story.
I could only work as hard as I can as much as I can and hope I get faster at this. At least my estimates are now a lot more mathematically based. How long does it take to create an exploration draft. How long does it take to revise, rewrite and then edit. I now have a measure to go by per page.
In other news, I have a sixteen-year old fan in Australia who loves The Feral Bond. I've been giving him help on his writing, though very slowly for much the same reason why I haven't posted here.
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