Saturday, September 18, 2010

A late introduction.

Who am I, anyway? I'm an atheist, horror-story writer, general writer and novelist. I have 102 thousand words of a 135 thousand word novel done (estimated). It's up here. Plus, I'm over-educated and under-employed, with eight years of college and a Bachelors' in Journalism.

I'm interested in political, philosophical and religious issue, world events, the news, comedy, horror, and SF literature. I am extremely interested in science and had a lot of credit hours in college committed to it. I love movies and some very select TV shows. If I could ever get into posting vids on youtube, these are the subjects I'd post on.

I made a lot of money for a short while doing something I hated. Since then, I've lost everything. My childhood was a bit traumatic. The oldest in a household of six children, the brother born after me suffered microcephalic retardation. Doctors later diagnosed my mother with bipolar disorder, with psychotic manias. I always knew my mother loved me, but the fact is, we inhabited to different universes with different laws. So, the household was in terrible wreck, and the two things I never had that I wanted more than anything was my brother made normal and some relationship with my mother.

I did one thing right, it seems. I abstained totally from drugs and alcohol until I was in my mid-twenties, I had none, but that was a mixed victory. I was isolated socially anyway, and my abstention really isolated me that much more. I've drink now and then and I have used pot (once) but it seems that even though alcoholism is in my family, I can't get hooked. I binged a few weeks ago after my cousin died (alcohol actually seems useless for grief.) I have had weekend shitfaced binges, or periods of drinking over a couple months, but in the end, I lost interest.

One thing I have noticed about our culture: it understands your mental torment better if you're an alcoholic or have a drug "problem" that you struggle with, or thinks it does. Actually, it understands being drunk or stoned instead of the real problems.

Right now I'm living in a household taking care of my elderly parents and severely retarded brother. I'm unemployed, I've appealed disability application and I'm waiting for the results. In the meantime, I hope to make a name for myself as a writer.

I have to work on chapter 22, and maybe a work of flash fiction I have in mind. Until

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