Friday, November 18, 2011

Held Up.

I've been writing as much as life allows me to. I completed another short story, which I read at my elite writing group, who gave great suggestions. I changed my other short story's name and submitted it to another outlet, an Internet site this time. I'm proofreading Chapter 31, 2nd Draft of Ginger Snaps: The Feral Bond, and it will go up on pretty soon, I'm also putting the whole work up on Google Docs. I'm relieved the novel looks like it will end on Chapter 33 followed by an epilogue, not Chapter 36. One thing the writers' group has taught me, and that's how to write leaner.

Finally, I've been working on a blog entry which has me stymied for now entitled, Why Write Horror?  I think I've written everything I could on the subject, and now I have to cut it a lot.  I'm going to follow that another entry, "Why Love Ginger Snaps?" where I explain why the movie made such an impression that I would write a whole hybrid fan fiction novel based on it.

My new place has been just about perfect for writing. It's mostly quiet and secluded, has interesting things within walking distance. Of course, sometimes I feel too alone, but that's not too bad when I'm getting so much done.

The Occupy! Movement has me both impressed and anxious. I do want to join them, but I have a bad back, bad hip, permanently bad ankle, and medication requirements that would make jail a catastrophe. I wish them success.

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