Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Monthly Grocery Adventure

I got tired of going to the grocery store every other day, especially with mass transit, so I arranged it so I only need to go once (or twice) a month. Yesterday was the day. I had my grocery list(s) made out. Monday night, I looked at every bargain at every store and chose all the best deals I could. I planned my every move like it was D-Day.

I took the bus, the Metro, and another bus to my sister's and borrowed her truck. She works graveyard shift and definitely was not going to miss it. Then I raided the stores, seven of them in all. It was like a great heist, except without the excitement and illegality.

Now, I'm a bachelor living alone, and when I got home, it took me 20 minutes to unload everything. I threw the perishables into the fridge & freeze, hoping that the mustard potato salad that was purchased at the first store (for just a $1.79 a lb.) hadn't been hijacked by some unsavory microbes. I needed to eat, so I paused just long enough to put a little of that food to good use. I didn't have time to pause, I had to get the truck back, and it was my writers' group night. Luckily I already had my installment finished. So, I took the truck back and took the bus, Metro and bus back to my place. By this time it was 3:50 p.m. I embarked on this shopping venture at 9:15 a.m.

I had exactly a half hour then to get ready for my writers' group (which included dinner). I got home from that at half past midnight.

So, the non-perishables and non-food hasn't been put away yet. Nor have I entered the receipts into the spread sheet.

Who said being disability isn't a lot of work? It is if you do it right.

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