Friday, September 21, 2012

A Guerrilla in Bright Orange Camouflage.

In my lifetime, we've moved from the Modern Era, to the Post-Modern era, and now we're in the clutches of The Spam Era.

Spam has ruined so many things that used to be great about computing. I mean, for one thing, you could download freeware programs without fear that the Chinese or Russians aren't going to hijack your computer, use it to break into the Pentagon, and load it with kiddy porn just to make if funny.

However, now there's people-spam. Called guerrilla marketing.

I remember an incident a few years ago in writers' group, a different one than what I go to today. There was one balding guy with long gray beard who showed up. He had a lost, anxious look in his eye. After introductions before the meeting, the first thing he says was that he took this online course from Professor Waddle-Waddle from Corn State University on constructing strong sentences and how much it helped him. I immediately think, guerrilla marketer. He doesn't say anything else, doesn't participate in the meeting, just wears the same stressed expression. 

So, when the next meeting comes, he starts the same way with somebody else. If he were there to improve his writing, also, or had any original interest prior to being subverted to become human spam, I would have had more respect. In one way, I felt sorry for the guy, though. He seemed really nervous and uncomfortable doing this, like an invisible guy stood behind him pointing an invisible gun at his head.

After two more meetings of doing this and not getting anybody interested, the guy left without any further interest. You can put email spam in your trash box. I wish the spammers would back off, because I hate feeling that way about people.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought this way about people before so now I am worried that this IS THE IMPRESSION that I make in groups??? I guess it does not help that I actually LOVE real Spam. W.C.C.
