Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Thick of It.

I have my novel, Ginger Snaps: The Feral Bond up on I've made a lot of radical changes to it, including transposing the first and second chapters. (With two different sets of characters, it doesn't matter which one it starts with, but chronologically, the current first chapter happens first, but with the old arrangement, I had to introduce it as the second chapter by saying, "On the previous full moon. . . ." A little awkward.

I go into this because when I reversed the two chapters, I did it half-assed. The second chapter said "Chapter 1" and had an old author's note introducing it. Anyone reading the story would have thought I started the whole thing again. No wonder traffic dropped off!

Well, I've fixed it and the hits immediately surged.

As fanfiction, I can't really ever sell it, of course. I'm now in the first rewrite of Chapter 35. However, since I'm working on other short stories, (and other things like keeping up this blog) I can't say if I'll be finished by the beginning or middle of the chapter.

My shortcomings in writing still are, I can't judge how long a story is yet, how long it will take to write it, and crucially, I write too slow. However, these might not be too large a problem now that I'm on a high dose of Attention Deficit medication (Strattera, not speed). I've been keeping up a daily writing regimen. We'll see.

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